Do Orthotics Have Side Effects?

01 Mar 2025

Orthotics Side Effects

Orthotics are designed to alleviate pain in various joints in the body and also support and correct foot problems. While they are often highly effective in improving foot health, there…

How to Save Your Feet Walking on a Disneyland Vacation

31 Jan 2024

So you have planned to take your family to Disneyland! You are super excited for the trip but are wondering if you will survive all the walking! As an annual patron of Disneyland I…

How to Slow Bunion Growth

19 Jul 2023

What Are Bunions?

Bunions are a bony protrusion, or bump, that forms at the point where your big toe and foot meet. They start off small and you might not even notice them. They…

How to Avoid Heel Pain When Standing All Day

15 Sep 2022

If you have a job where you stand for long periods of time then I’m sure you have felt heel pain before. It becomes taxing on your body because…

How to Take Care of Your Knees To Avoid Knee Pain

19 Jul 2022

Knee pain is a common problem, especially for many older adults. Over the years, your knees endure a lot of wear and tear as you fight against gravity to move and walk. Over…

Best Indoor Slippers For Your Feet

11 Mar 2022

Healthy Indoor Slippers

Now that more people are working from home we are now NOT wearing shoes for most of the day. It’s probably something most people haven’t thought of but shoes provide support…

Why The Pandemic is Hurting Your Feet

26 Mar 2021

Walking Barefoot at Home

The pandemic has changed life for many Canadians for over a year now. While the restrictions have been slowly loosening, people are still spending much more time at…

COVID-19 and Diabetics

24 Nov 2020

COVID_19 and Diabetes

COVID-19 is scary for diabetics and here is why. A French study found, that 3/10 diabetic patients treated for the novel coronavirus either required ventilation or died within a week of…

Are You Wearing Bad Shoes?

27 Jun 2020

bad shoes for your feet

Do you have sore feet? Do you know what’s causing them to cause pain? It’s most likely your shoes. over 50% of Canadians confess that…

Avoid Burnt Feet This Summer

28 May 2020

Summertime is the season where people will go barefoot. There’s no other feeling like walking on soft grass or dipping your feet in the refreshing water in a pool to cool…