Category Archives: Custom Orthotics

Custom orthotics, or orthotic inserts, provide arch support and can correct foot issues such as plantar fasciitis, improper alignment, insufficient support, abnormal gait, flat feet or high arches. Contact us at 603-339-2878 and we can help you.

Do Orthotics Have Side Effects?

01 Mar

Orthotics Side Effects

Orthotics are designed to alleviate pain in various joints in the body and also support and correct foot problems. While they are often highly effective in improving foot health, there…

How to Save Your Feet Walking on a Disneyland Vacation

31 Jan

So you have planned to take your family to Disneyland! You are super excited for the trip but are wondering if you will survive all the walking! As an annual patron of Disneyland I…

How to Slow Bunion Growth

19 Jul

What Are Bunions?

Bunions are a bony protrusion, or bump, that forms at the point where your big toe and foot meet. They start off small and you might not even notice them. They…

Can Custom Orthotics Relieve Knee Pain

20 Nov


The most common description of knee pain is a condition called Patello-Femoral Syndrome. It is pain that is occurring between the knee cap and thigh bone. This causes pain in the front of…

How Can Custom Orthotics Help Me?

22 Oct

Custom Orthotics

Custom orthotics are personalized to fit your foot and can help rid or alleviate various foot symptoms relating to numerous medical conditions. Custom orthotics are more than just a foot or heel…

How to Care for Custom Orthotics

28 Mar

Caring for Custom Orthotics

Custom orthotics are invaluable for correcting numerous foot problems and to alleviate foot pain. They are custom molded to your feet by medical professionals and designed to specifically address your…

Custom Orthotics Vs Over the Counter Foot Insoles/Inserts

18 Feb

Custom orthotics vs over the counter foot inserts

Your doctor has recommended that you try custom orthotics and you might be wondering if you can just get a pair of over the counter insoles…

Do Orthotics Help Relieve Lower Back Pain?

27 Oct

Relieve lower back pain

This is a question I often get asked by patients and my answer is YES, custom orthotics do work for lower back pain. They can work on…

How Long Do Custom Orthotics Last?

19 Oct

custom orthotics

Custom orthotics are extremely effective at aligning the bones of the foot and ankle into the most efficient positions. Custom orthotics correct existing imbalances in your feet by providing…

Are Custom Orthotics Worth It?

06 Apr


Custom orthotics can be pricey ranging from $400-$600 in costs but very often they are covered by medical insurance policies. It’s best to check with your coverage provider. The cost covers…