Diabetics most often endure some form of foot pain because of nerve damage and poor circulation. Nerve damage occurs due to Peripheral Neuropathy. Peripheral Neuropathy refers to the damage to the peripheral nerves due to consistently high insulin levels. Peripheral Neuropathy foot pain can either manifest as numbness or also a burning, stabbing sharp pain. The foot pain can start off minimal but can worsen over time and spread up the legs to make walking unbearable. Even soft touches can feel painful.
There are generally 2 types of Diabetic foot pain. The first type is often described by patients as shooting, lightning-like, tingling, burning or sharp. The second type is the feeling similar to an uncomfortable numbness. Some people have also noticed that their feet feel hot or cold for no apparent reason. Increased ultra-sensitively to touch has also been observed. Further symptoms can include a loss of reflexes, muscle weakness and loss of balance and coordination.
Although any Diabetic can develop Peripheral Neuropathy some factors increase the risk. You are most likely to develop Peripheral Neuropathy if you don’t control your blood sugar adequately, have kidney disease, are overweight, have a longer history of Diabetes or are a smoker. Staying healthy and controlling your blood sugar will help avoid developing Peripheral Neuropathy.
You can also prevent or delay Diabetic Neuropathy and foot pain by controlling your blood sugar, having annual foot checks by your doctor and performing a comprehensive daily Diabetic foot care regimen. If you have Diabetic foot pain contact us and we can help you reduce the pain.